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HomeGame먹튀검증사이트SCOOP 2010 Event 22 Results

먹튀검증사이트SCOOP 2010 Event 22 Results


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Many players enjoy playing six-max tables over full-ring. There are more chances to raise as players are in position more often. Marginal hands increase in value as does the action from all players. However, some players just don’t feel six-max is loose enough. These players seek a happy medium between six-max and heads-up poker. The PokerStars SCOOP Event 22 is perfect for these types of players: a four-max No Limit Hold’em tournament. As with all SCOOP events, Event 22 was split into three separate tournaments, the low, medium, and high, with three different buy-ins, $33, $320, and $3,150.

A total of 6,695 players entered the low buy-in event to create a prize pool over $200,000. The final four came down to robot_werter, khanrava, ThoboyJPG, and orange6 with 7,976,739, 17,328,775, 3,537,013, and 4,632,473 chips, respectively. The first elimination came as ThoboyJPG shoved for 1.6 million chips from the small blind with As3s. orange6 made the easy call with pocket queens and ThoboyJPG was out of the tournament. The next knockout came a mere six hands later and was, again, at the hands of orange6. Robot_werter raised to 300,000 with pocket queens and orange6 called out of position with As3h. 먹튀검증사이트 The 9h3d3s flop was just what orange6 wished for and spelled trouble for robot_werter. Orange6 check-called the flop for 445,000, then check-raised robot_werter’s 1,000,000 chip turn bet to 7.4 million chips, putting robot_werter all-in. Robot_werter called, saw the bad news, the river bricked, and the tournament saw one more knockout. During the second break of heads-up play, khanrava and orange6 agreed on a chop that would guarantee khanrava $22,096.10 and orange6 $19,096.09. The players proceeded to play for $3,000, a SCOOP watch, and the Event 22 title. The knockout blow was dealt by orange6, again, as his AdQh beat khanrava’s AsTh as the chips went all-in preflop.

The medium buy-in event drew 1,440 four-max players and its prize pool reached $432,000. Top poker professionals took a shot at the tournament including Vanessa Rousso, ElkY, and Barry Greenstein. The final four was composed of djdecide, Roxx Box, leguito, and Jan Heitmann. The first to go was djdecide as he cold four-bet shoved Jan Heitmann’s three-bet. The original raiser (Roxx Box) folded but Jan Heitmann called with KsKd. Djdecide and his AcQd needed an ace to continue his tournament run. Unfortunately, the 5h4h2d5c9s board was aceless and djdecide left in fourth place, $20,520 richer. However, Heitmann was the next to go as his AdJs succumbed to Roxx Box’s pocket kings. He received $29,160 for his third place finish. Roxx Box continued his domination and won the tournament when his AhQd beat leguito’s As5c all-in preflop. Leguito won $42,120 while Roxx Box took the SCOOP title and $68,040.

The high buy-in tournament of any SCOOP event is usually considered the main event. Event 22 is no different. With a buy-in of $3,150, only 280 players entered the tournament looking to be the best of the best four-max players. The prize pool reached $840,000 and the top 36 players would win cash. First place would win a huge $210,000 payday. Some poker professionals made the money as Victor Ramdin and Vanessa Rousso placed 15th and 14th, respectively. Squee451, 4rebmun, lb6121, and gboro780 took to the final table after thirteen and a half hours of play. Only forty minutes into the final table, the first player would be knocked out. 4rebmun raised on the button to 9,000 and lb6121 reraised all-in for 110,537. 4rebmun called and showed ace-king against lb6121’s pocket nines. Lb6121 seemed to be in good hands as the flop came Qd3s3c. Unfortunately, the turn was a Ah and the river was a 8h. Lb6121 was gone in fourth place. Steve “gboro780” Gross was the next to go as pocket nines lost another race, this time to squee451’s KhQd. Squee451 won the heads-up contest by winning the tournament’s final five hands. The final hand of the tournament was a bad beat as 4rebmun’s AdQd lost to squee451’s Ah6h. The board came out 9h2s9s5hQh and squee451 rivered his nut-flush. The $210,000 prize was his and 4rebmun had to settle for $134,000.

Make sure you keep up with FlopTurnRiver and the PokerStars SCOOP Events. Good luck to all players looking to enter the tournaments!

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